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IT Solutions for Private Business and SMEs

A large proportion of our client base is made up of Private Business and SMEs which means our experience in this sector is vast. The IT services we provide have supported these clients in their business growth and often we are their fully outsourced IT department. We are invested in the success of our clients, and deliver IT solutions to help these businesses succeed.

private business

Challenges for the Private Sector and SMEs

  • Limited budget: We know that often budget is the main obstacle for SMEs when outsourcing work but we don’t think this should make you suffer. We offer the best solution and the most effective cost for SMEs.
  • Lack of technical knowledge: With many SMEs ‘IT manager’, is actually a jack of all trades and that is not their official role so technical knowledge may be limited. With all our clients we always speak in plain English, not bogging you down with technical jargon. We’ll make you understand how the services we’re offering will deliver the solutions you require.
  • Need for guidance developing a strategy -understanding the need for an IT strategy is the first step but actually developing one is where the hard work comes in. With help from our experienced Technical Consultants & Strategists, Bristol IT are able to delve into your objectives and work with you to build an IT strategy to meet your current and future goals.

IT Solutions for Private Business

IT Support for Private Business

Many of our private sector clients opt for our credit based support, or at least initially. This allows businesses to purchase support credit to use when needed. For SMEs with a low budget and only a small, infrequent requirement for support, this model is the most cost-effective. Usually clients then move on to our fixed rate support, paying monthly for a fully managed IT solution.

Consultancy for Private Business

With many having no in-house IT team, SMEs often don’t have the time or resource to develop an effective IT strategy. What’s more with new solutions being released every day it can be hard to keep up. Our highly skilled Consultants keep up to date with the latest trends so can deliver an IT strategy that’s future-proof as well as in line with your business.

Microsoft 365

For SMEs often the first part of their Cloud journey is migrating to Microsoft 365. Moving their email, document storage and other Microsoft applications to the Cloud is an effective way of facilitating productive working and improving security. For many SMEs this is enough, but as they grow, we have the experience to implement more complex Cloud infrastructure solutions.

IT Security

SMEs understand how important IT security is for their business, but often don’t have the time to remain up to date with the latest security solutions on the market. For many we recommend, antivirus, firewalls and email scanning but can provide advice on additional solutions if required. We will only recommend solutions that will benefit your business.

Our work in the Private Sector

Want to find out more?

Get in touch with us today for more information on how we work with Private Business and SMEs

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