0330 055 2678 | Client Portal |

0330 055 2678 | Client Portal |

IT solutions for the Defence and Aerospace sector

National security relies on intelligence. The right information at the right time can enable defence agencies to keep the country and its people safe. But as data volumes grow and the threat from cyber attacks rises, it’s a constant challenge to store, secure, analyse and manage the enormous amounts of sensitive information that make up vital intelligence. This is where Assured Digital Technologies comes in. We help the public sector take advantage of the scale, flexibility and cost-effectiveness of cloud computing, while ensuring security remains absolutely watertight.

defence and aerospace

Cloud solutions for Defence and Aerospace sector

You want the benefits that cloud can deliver, but transitioning can seem daunting, particularly when there’s sensitive information involved. That’s why we’ve developed our Journey to the Cloud: a low-risk approach that enables public sector organisations to move appropriate parts of their operations to the cloud in phases.

Our security-cleared staff can help you make the right choices, including when to use public, private, community or hybrid cloud, and what security measures you require. We can then design, build and operate the platforms for you, using our UK-based assured public sector cloud and data centres.

And as an SME, we can deliver quickly, both on our own and as a prime or sub-contractor with like-minded partners in the defence sector.

Why choose us?

  • Security-cleared staff with many years’ defence experience
  • UK-based assured cloud platforms
  • Government Security Classification Policy experience
  • 24-7 platform management
  • JSP 440-certified UK data centres
  • ISO 27001 and Cyber Essentials Plus certifications
  • Private or community cloud options for higher protective markings
  • Rapid procurement via G-Cloud and Technology Services framework

Want to find out more?

Get in touch today to find out more about our work in the defence and aerospace sector

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