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IT Solutions for the Government Sector

Digital services can save you money while protecting the vital work your department does. By going digital, you can achieve some truly phenomenal savings compared to other methods of interaction. But is your IT ready to support your digital transformation? And are you making the most of cloud, Big Data and other technologies to redesign services and offer ever-better value to the taxpayer?

We help government departments, executive agencies and non-departmental public bodies design, create and operate the platforms for their innovative, secure, data-driven digital capabilities.


Central Government

You want to focus on what you do best: delivering world-class services to the public. But are you being hampered by ageing IT systems? Are you unsure whether cloud computing is suitable or secure enough for your needs? Or are you collecting lots of data but don’t know how to use it to inform policy and decision-making?

Does tackling these issues seem daunting?

It needn’t be. We’ll help you evolve your IT systems into flexible, modern environments that can cut costs and enable data-driven digital services. And our team of security-cleared experts will then manage them for you, meaning you can focus all your attention on providing transformational public services.

You’ll be in good company: we’ve been working with central government for many years and were part of the flagship Digital Exemplar programme. You’ll also benefit from our public sector information security expertise, experience of working closely with market-leading cloud providers and the agility you get by partnering with an SME.


Local Government

How much time do your staff spend grappling with your IT? Wouldn’t you rather they were delivering world-class digital services for your citizens? We can take away the complexity of managing a legacy IT environment by transitioning you towards a flexible, secure, cost-effective cloud setup that’s designed for digital, self-serve and workforce mobility.

We can guide you on important decisions: what’s the best approach for a particular service? How much capacity do you need? What data can you safely store in the cloud? We’ll build the platforms that enable you to create cutting-edge digital services, and we’ll then look after them, so you can spend more time delivering quality to the public.

We’ve already helped local authorities and their IT programme partners deliver transformational change, from cost-savings to brand new citizen self-service portals. We’d love to help you too, so why not talk to us today about your vision?

Why choose us?

  • Guidance on how to evolve your IT systems to enable digital services
  • Expertise around what can be safely be stored in the cloud
  • Low-risk transition to modern infrastructure and the cloud
  • UK-based security-cleared specialists to design, build and manage your digital service platforms
  • 24-7 management of your physical and cloud IT estate by UK-based, security cleared specialists
  • Full management and support for new and existing cloud environments to keep them secure, available and performing
  • Experience of public sector information security, including the Government Security Classification Policy and its predecessor
  • Data centres and secure cloud facilities on the same campus, for ease of connectivity, better performance and seamless transformation
  • Deep knowledge of transitioning to cloud in the public sector

Our work in the Government sector

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