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Cloud Migration

Moving your business to the Cloud can be an overwhelming task but one with countless benefits. Cloud technology enables you to work more productively, collaborate effectively, better manage and protect your data and support your business growth. We’ve helped numerous clients reap the benefits of migrating to the Cloud by planning and implementing the move with minimal disruption to their business.

3 Types of Cloud Solutions

Private Cloud

A Private Cloud solution uses your own dedicated hosting environment. You are not sharing resources with anyone other than who you authorise within your organisation. There’s greater flexibility which allows you to host complicated or bespoke applications. Private cloud is best suited for organisations with changing requirements, complex computing needs or tight security requirements.

There are a number of private cloud solutions on the market depending on the type of service you require.

  • Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) – your IT infrastructure (networks, servers and operating systems) accessible over the internet.
  • Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) – a platform that allows users to develop, manage and run applications through the internet.
  • Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) – your desktop environment accessible through the internet allowing users to log on to a virtual desktop to access applications and store data.

Public Cloud

Migrating to a Public Cloud solution is often the first step in businesses journey to the cloud. Many business products now have a cloud alternative. The most common public cloud migration we facilitate is moving to Microsoft 365. Microsoft 365 is an all encompassing cloud solution which includes Office 365 email, Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Windows 10 and more.

Other public cloud solutions also known as Software as a Service (SaaS) include:

  • Google Workspace (formerly G Suite)
  • Dropbox
  • Salesforce
  • Slack

Hybrid Cloud

More often than not, businesses require a bespoke cloud solution which utilises on-premise, private cloud and public cloud services. A hybrid cloud solution enables you to reap the benefits of all three. A hybrid solution allows you to combine public cloud offerings (SaaS) such as Microsoft 365 with a private cloud solution such as a remote desktop environment to make a bespoke solution for your business managed by one single IT provider.

Benefits of a hybrid solution include:

  • Better security and privacy
  • Improved reliability
  • Greater control
  • Cost and energy efficiency
  • Flexibility to scale up

We don’t expect clients to come to us knowing exactly the services they need, it’s our job to translate your cloud computing requirements into an appropriate solution.

Want to find out more?

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