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Cyber Essentials & Cyber Essentials Plus

Cyber Essentials is a scheme backed by the UK government and supported by the IT industry. It has been designed to help companies of all sizes protect themselves against the most common forms of cyber attack.  A Cyber Essentials certification demonstrates to customers, suppliers and other stakeholders that the most important cyber security controls have been implemented. What’s more Cyber Essentials is now a mandatory requirement for UK government contracts.

cyber essentials

Cyber Essentials requirements at a glance

  • Ensure you have suitable Hardware & Software Firewalls within your office networks
  • Ensure you have a suitable antivirus installed on all Endpoint/Server machines.
  • Ensure all Endpoint/Server/Mobile devices are up to date within a few days of release date
  • Ensure all corporate devices are centrally managed and controlled
  • Ensure all User Accounts are centrally managed and controlled
cyber essentials

Benefits of being Cyber Essentials certified

  • Work in the public sector: A mandatory requirement when bidding for Government contracts
  • Reassurance: Demonstrates to customers, suppliers and other stakeholders that the most important cyber security controls have been implemented
  • Protect your business! Government suggests that a certified organisation will be protected from 80% of cyber attacks

Want to find out more?

Get in touch with us today to find out more about a Cyber Essentials certification

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