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Sophos Security SOS Week Podcast Summit

Sophos Security SOS week kicks off on Monday 27th April – 5 top security experts tackle the current hot topics in cybersecurity including malware, hackers, security and privacy.

Discover the latest insights in Cybersecurity from Sophos, without leaving your desk.


Check out the webinar schedule below and click on the links to register:

Title Description Date & Time (GMT) Register
Intruder Alert! Hackers often spend weeks exploring your network before deploying their payload. Spot them before they strike and you save your organisation huge amounts of pain and cost. Join this session to get top tips on how to spot an intruder on your network from Sophos’ threat hunting expert. Peter will explain how sophisticated, multi-stage attacks work, the tell-tale signs you’ve got an intruder on your network, and what to do if you spot something suspicious. Monday 27th April 2020


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Security and Privacy – Two Sides of the Same Coin? Privacy is a top concern for many people, fueled by revelations of covert smartphone surveillance and – yet more – data breaches. Join James as he explores how to keep data secure while stopping criminals from hiding in the shadows. Plus, with home working soaring due to the coronavirus, we’ll explore the security implications of the expanding network perimeter, and how to get privacy and security right when people work from home. Tuesday 28th April 2020


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Let’s Talk about Malware Get under the enemy’s skin with fascinating insights from Sophos Labs’ Director of Threat Research Director. Fraser will share fresh discoveries from the Sophos Labs team, explore the latest malware trends, and deep dive into how threats work. You’ll hear the key factors to bear in mind when planning your cyber defences. Wednesday 29th April


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Red Team, Blue Team Ever wondered how cybersecurity companies manage their own defences? Join this podcast to hear from the people responsible for keeping Sophos safe from cyber threats. Craig and Luke will share their team’s approach, the main challenges they face, and how they deal with common issues. You’ll get a host of best practices and insider info that you can apply to your own organisation. Thursday 30th April


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If you need support in improving your organisation’s cybersecurity please get in touch.