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Combat UK Cyber Attacks: 5 Essential Tips to Secure Your Cyber Essentials Certification

Cybercrime costs the UK economy £17bn annually [1]. You only need to look as far as the NHS to see the dangers of cyber attacks [2]. A number of key operations and procedures were cancelled or redirected to other NHS providers after a major cyber-attack affected multiple hospitals in the capital. Achieving Cyber Essentials Certification can help mitigate such risks.

The 2024 Cyber Security Breaches Survey conducted by the UK government revealed that 50% of UK businesses had experienced a cyber-attack or security breach in 2023, with that figure rising to 72% for medium-large businesses – a 33% increase from the previous year’s survey [1][4].

What is Cyber Essentials?

Cyber Essentials is a government-backed certification that provides a straightforward, yet effective, cybersecurity framework for UK businesses. It helps protect your organisation against up to 98.5% of cyber threats [3]. Achieving these certifications is a crucial step toward safeguarding your data and demonstrating to customers that you prioritise digital security.

With more companies requiring this certification for their suppliers, and the UK government mandating it for supply chain contracts, understanding the certification process is essential. Although gaining a cybersecurity qualification can seem daunting, especially for smaller businesses, we’re here to guide you through the process.

Here are five tips to help you achieve your Cyber Essentials certification:

Tip 1: Get Full Buy-In

The success of your cybersecurity efforts depends heavily on the buy-in from your entire workforce. Ensuring that your employees understand the real risks of cyber breaches and the benefits of being certified is crucial.

  • Communicate the Risks: Make sure your team is aware of the potential consequences of cyber-attacks, including data breaches, financial loss, and reputational damage.
  • Highlight the Benefits: Explain the advantages of certification, such as compliance with regulations, enhanced reputation, and new business opportunities. Hold workshops or training sessions to educate employees about cyber risks.

Their full backing and participation will be key to successfully achieving and maintaining your certification.

Tip 2: Scope It Out

Before diving into the certification process, it’s vital to define the scope of your Cyber Essentials assessment. Knowing exactly which systems, data, and services fall under the assessment boundary will focus your efforts and ensure a smoother certification process.

  • Create an Inventory: List all in-scope IT assets, including hardware, software, and mobile devices.
  • Define Boundaries:Understand the separation of in-scope vs. out-of-scope components to streamline your certification efforts.

Having a well-defined scope helps you concentrate your resources and time on the areas that matter most.

Tip 3: Discuss & Delegate

Cyber Essentials certification requires clear documentation of policies and procedures. Engage in open discussions with your team to outline roles and responsibilities, and agree on specific security controls and processes.

  • Outline Roles:Clearly define who is responsible for each aspect of cybersecurity within your organisation.
  • Agree on Controls: Ensure all stakeholders understand and participate in implementing security measures.

Effective delegation ensures that your documentation is valuable and that everyone knows their part in maintaining cybersecurity.

Tip 4: Prioritise Quick Wins

During your assessment, you’ll likely identify numerous areas for improvement. Focus on quick wins that can provide immediate risk reduction and build momentum.

  • Remove Old Accounts:Deactivate unnecessary user accounts and outdated software.
  • Apply Patches:Ensure all systems are updated with the latest security patches.
  • Enable Security Features:Activate basic security measures, such as firewalls and antivirus software.

Implementing these quick fixes not only reduces risks promptly but also demonstrates progress, motivating your team to continue with more significant improvements.

Tip 5: Embrace Continuous Improvement

Cybersecurity is an ongoing practice, not a one-time project. Once you’ve achieved Cyber Essentials certification, it’s important to keep evolving your security measures to address new threats and changes in your IT environment.

  • Regular Reviews: Schedule ongoing reviews of your policies and controls.
  • Stay Informed:Keep up with the latest threats and vulnerabilities.
  • Assess Changes: Regularly evaluate how changes in your IT environment impact your security posture.
  • Update Requirements: Implement updates based on new Cyber Essentials requirements.

Maintaining a culture of continuous improvement ensures that your business remains protected against emerging threats and stays compliant with the latest standards.

Achieving Cyber Essentials certification is a significant step towards protecting your business from cyber threats. By following these five tips, you can streamline the certification process and ensure your organisation is secure.

If the process still seems daunting, don’t worry – you don’t have to do it alone. At Assured Digital Technologies, we provide expert guidance and support to help you achieve your Cyber Essentials certification. And the best part, it only takes 1-3 days on average to get Cyber Essentials certified.

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Our technical experts are ready to help you navigate the certification process and reduce your cyber risks.

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  1. National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), “Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2024 – GOV.UK. Available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/cyber-security-breaches-survey-2024
  2. Financial Times, “Cyber attack disrupts NHS hospitals”. Available at: https://www.ft.com/content/64ac2bd3-7bff-4323-9263-c70fa0b6ca51
  3. CyberSmart, “A Guide to Cybersecurity Certifications in the UK”. Available at: https://cybersmart.co.uk/a-guide-to-cybersecurity-certifications-in-the-uk
  4. UK Government, “Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2024“. Available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/cyber-security-breaches-survey-2024/cyber-security-breaches-survey-2024
Cybersecurity certifications at a glance
Cybersecurity Certifications at a glance