0330 055 2678 | Client Portal |

0330 055 2678 | Client Portal |

Maximise performance, reduce costs, and secure your virtual environment.

Future-proof your business with tailored solutions designed to optimise your IT infrastructure.

We help businesses optimise their IT infrastructure by exploring cost-effective alternatives to VMware, such as Microsoft Hyper-V, and other leading platforms.

We assesses your current virtualisation environment and recommend strategies to enhance performance, scalability, and security. Whether you’re considering a full migration or simply looking to optimise your existing setup, we provide tailored solutions that align with your business goals and budget.

Stay competitive with a future-proof, cost-effective virtual infrastructure designed and managed by ADT.

How do we approach Virtualisation?

  • VMware Alternatives

    Facing the impact of rising VMware costs post-Broadcom acquisition? ADT helps businesses maintain high performance while mitigating these costs by recommending and implementing alternative platforms like Microsoft Hyper-V. These solutions offer similar capabilities at a more affordable price point, ensuring that your business remains competitive without compromising on performance or security.

    • Microsoft Hyper-V: Scalable and cost-efficient virtualisation alternative.
    • Migration Support: Seamless transition from VMware with minimal disruption to your operations.
  • Infrastructure Optimisation

    We conduct a comprehensive assessment of your virtualisation environment to identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and opportunities for enhancement. Our solutions ensure your infrastructure operates at peak performance while scaling to meet the needs of your growing business.

    • Performance Boost: Resolve performance bottlenecks for improved speed and reliability.
    • Scalability: Ensure your infrastructure can evolve with your business.
    • Security Enhancements: Implement advanced security protocols to safeguard your virtual environments from emerging threats.
  • Migration Services

    Migrating from VMware or another platform can be complex, but our team at ADT makes it easy. We handle the process from end to end—ensuring that your data integrity is preserved, your teams are fully trained, and the transition is smooth and disruption-free.

    • Customised Planning: A migration plan tailored to your current setup and business needs.
    • Data Integrity: Comprehensive testing and backup protocols ensure data safety.
    • Training and Support: Full training for your team to ensure success with the new platform, backed by ongoing support.
    • Post-Migration Support: Continued support after migration to ensure long-term success.
  • Managed Virtualisation Services

    Our managed virtualisation services give you the peace of mind to focus on your core business while we ensure your virtual environments are optimised, secure, and fully compliant. From regular performance tuning to security updates and compliance checks, we ensure your systems run efficiently and securely.

    • Ongoing Performance Tuning: Regular optimisations to keep your infrastructure running smoothly.
    • Proactive Security Monitoring: Early detection and prevention of security vulnerabilities.
    • Compliance Management: Stay compliant with industry standards through our rigorous audits and updates.
  • Performance Monitoring and Reporting

    ADT provides real-time monitoring and detailed reporting of your virtual environments. With our proactive approach, we identify and resolve issues before they impact your operations, ensuring your systems remain reliable and performant.

    • Real-Time Data Insights: Stay informed with immediate visibility into your virtualisation performance.
    • Proactive Issue Resolution: Address potential issues before they affect your business.
    • Detailed Performance Reports: Regular insights into trends and areas for improvement.
  • Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

    Ensure your business remains resilient in the face of unexpected disruptions with ADT’s comprehensive disaster recovery and business continuity solutions. We work with you to design a strategy that protects your data and minimises downtime, ensuring rapid recovery after any incident.

    • Data Replication & Backup: Continuous replication of critical data to ensure fast recovery.
    • Automated Failover Solutions: Keep your systems operational with minimal downtime.
    • RPO & RTO Alignment: Bespoke recovery objectives tailored to your business requirements.
    • Testing & Drills: Regular testing ensures that your disaster recovery plans are effective and up to date.

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