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Safeguard Your Business with BCDR as a Service

In today's digital landscape, cyber threats like ransomware attacks occur every 11 seconds, posing significant risks to business continuity and data integrity.

What Sets Our BCDR Solutions Apart?

Our BCDR solutions go beyond traditional backups, integrating advanced cybersecurity measures to ensure that your data and systems remain protected and recoverable in any scenario:

  • True Immutability and Air-Gap Protection: Ensure your backups are secure, untampered, and isolated from your network, making them invulnerable to ransomware and other cyber threats.
  • Advanced SaaS Data Protection: Protect cloud-based applications like Microsoft 365 and SharePoint with secure, automatic backups and fast recovery options to minimise downtime.
  • 24/7 Monitoring and Rapid Response: Our Security Operations Centre (SOC) provides continuous monitoring for threats, enabling swift incident response to maintain business operations.

What Do We Offer?

  • SaaS Data Protection

    Cloud-based apps like Microsoft 365 and SharePoint are vital for business productivity, but lost or corrupted data can be irretrievable. ADT’s SaaS Protection ensures that your data is always recoverable:

    • Automatic Backups: Secure cloud storage for SharePoint, Microsoft 365, and other SaaS data.
    • Fast Recovery: Quickly restore deleted or corrupted files, minimising operational disruption.
    • Compliance Assurance: Meets stringent data retention and regulatory requirements.

    Example in Action: A healthcare client faced potential data loss when critical documents stored in SharePoint were accidentally deleted. Using ADT’s SaaS Protection, we quickly restored the lost data from our secure backup, preventing operational delays and ensuring compliance with healthcare data regulations.

  • Zero Trust Security

    ADT’s Zero Trust framework ensures that no one—inside or outside your organisation—is trusted by default, adding a robust layer of cybersecurity:

    • Continuous Verification: Every access attempt is authenticated and authorised, reducing the risk of breaches.
    • Micro-Segmentation: Isolate network segments to limit an attacker’s ability to move laterally within the network.
    • Adaptive Access Controls: Dynamically adjust user access based on real-time context, minimising unnecessary exposure to sensitive data.

    Example in Action: A global financial services client needed to secure their remote workforce without compromising accessibility. ADT implemented a Zero Trust security model, ensuring continuous verification of every user and device. This approach successfully mitigated the risk of insider threats while maintaining seamless operations.

  • Air Gap Protection

    Our Air Gap solutions provide unbeatable security by physically isolating backups from your network, making them inaccessible to malware and ransomware:

    • Physical Isolation: Backups are separated from live environments, ensuring no network access.
    • Ransomware Defence: Unaffected backups guarantee rapid recovery in the event of an attack.
    • Guaranteed Data Availability: Even if the primary network is compromised, air-gapped backups remain safe, ensuring business continuity.

    Example in Action: A defence sector client was targeted by a sophisticated ransomware attack that encrypted their network. However, with ADT’s Air Gap Protection, their critical backups were physically isolated and untouched. We restored their systems swiftly from the air-gapped backups, ensuring minimal downtime and protecting sensitive data.

  • True Immutability

    ADT’s True Immutability methodology ensures that once backups are created, they cannot be altered or deleted, providing tamper-proof data integrity:

    • Tamper-Proof Backups: Protect against insider threats and malware with unchangeable data copies.
    • Regulatory Compliance: Easily meet audit and retention requirements with secure, unalterable backups.
    • Reliable Recovery Points: Ensure always-available clean data for swift restoration.

    Example in Action: A legal firm client required highly secure, tamper-proof backups to meet GDPR compliance. ADT’s True Immutability solutions provided them with unalterable data copies that could not be deleted or modified, satisfying regulatory requirements and providing peace of mind during data audits.

  • 24/7 Proactive Monitoring and Support

    Disasters and cyber threats don’t follow a 9-to-5 schedule, and neither do we. ADT offers round-the-clock monitoring and Support, ensuring that any issues are identified and addressed immediately. Our dedicated support team is always on hand to provide swift, effective responses, keeping your business running smoothly and minimising any potential downtime.

  • Business Continuity Training and Awareness

    We believe that preparedness is key to resilience. We offer business continuity training and awareness programmes to equip your team with the knowledge and skills needed to respond effectively in a crisis. Our training helps ensure that everyone in your organisation understands their role in maintaining operations and protecting critical assets during a disruption.

Working with ADT has been a lifesaver for us. When we experienced a data breach, their air gap protection kept our backups completely safe and out of reach from the attack. This meant we could get back up and running quickly, without losing any critical data. Plus, knowing that our backups are truly immutable and can’t be tampered with gives us a lot of peace of mind. Since teaming up with them, we feel much more secure and ready to handle whatever comes our way!

IT Director, Finance Industry

Why Choose ADT for Your BCDR Needs?

  • Bespoke Solutions

    We don’t believe in one-size-fits-all. ADT’s BCDR solutions are customised to match your business’s unique risk profile and operational needs. Whether you require on-premises solutions, cloud-based recovery, or a hybrid approach, we tailor our services to ensure your business can quickly recover and resume operations after any disruption.

    ADT has a proven track record in delivering robust BCDR solutions for sectors requiring high security, such as defence, healthcare, and government. Our solutions are tailored to meet your business’s unique risk profile, offering:

    • Bespoke Solutions: On-premises, cloud-based, or hybrid approaches to match your operational needs.
    • ISO Accredited and Cyber Essentials Plus Certified: Demonstrating our commitment to the highest security and quality standards.
    • 24/7 Proactive Monitoring and Support: Continuous support and rapid response to minimise any potential downtime.
    • Business Continuity Training: Equip your team with the skills needed to respond effectively in a crisis, enhancing overall organisational resilience.
  • Our Commitment to Security and Compliance

    Our BCDR solutions are underpinned by rigorous security measures:

    • Comprehensive Encryption and Secure Data Storage: Utilising cutting-edge encryption techniques and secure data storage solutions to prevent unauthorised access.
    • Regulatory Compliance: We adhere to industry regulations such as ISO 27001 and Cyber Essentials Plus, ensuring your data is managed and protected in line with the highest standards.
    • Proactive Cyber Threat Hunting and Incident Response: Our consultative approach seamlessly integrates with your business, offering proactive support to identify and neutralise potential threats before they impact operations.
  • Proven Expertise

    ADT has a track record of delivering robust BCDR solutions for sectors that require stringent security, such as defense, healthcare, and government. Our tailored strategies ensure that you are prepared for all scenarios, including the growing threat of cyberattacks.

  • ISO Accredited and Cyber Essentials Plus Certified

    Our BCDR services are backed by ISO 27001 and Cyber Essentials Plus certifications, which demonstrate our commitment to maintaining the highest levels of security and quality. Our solutions are designed to meet rigorous compliance requirements, giving you peace of mind that your data and systems are protected and resilient.

Schedule Your Free BCDR Consultation

Schedule your free Resilience Audit today and discover how our BCDR solutions can protect your critical systems and data. Be proactive - don’t wait for a disaster to strike.

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