0330 055 2678 | Client Portal |

0330 055 2678 | Client Portal |

Unparalleled efficiency & data-driven decision-making

Our Process Automation & Business Intelligence solutions streamline workflows, boost productivity, and provide actionable insights through cutting-edge automation tools and robust BI platforms.

Our tailored services, leveraging Microsoft Power Platform capabilities, empower your business to fully harness the potential of Power BI, Power Apps, Power Automate, Power Virtual Agents, and Power Pages. These tools are designed to drive efficiency, innovation, and data-driven decision-making across your organisation.

With comprehensive data analysis, custom app development, and seamless automation, our solutions enable you to streamline workflows, reduce manual tasks, and enhance operational efficiency. Intelligent virtual agents and professional-grade websites improve customer interactions and boost productivity.

Partner with ADT to transform your business operations, drive strategic growth, and achieve unmatched efficiency.

How do we approach Automation?

  • Data Platforming

    Our data platforming services centralise and organise your data, ensuring it is ready for analysis. This includes integrating data from various sources, building scalable data warehouses, and ensuring data accuracy and reliability. The result is improved data quality and consistency, enabling you to generate actionable insights from your data.

  • Collaboration Enablement

    Enhance collaboration across your organisation with tools like Microsoft Sharepoint for better communication and teamwork. Centralised document management ensures easy access and sharing of files, while project management tools streamline project tracking and management. This leads to improved team collaboration and productivity.

  • Access & Policy Management

    Establish robust security policies and manage user access effectively. Implementing Identity and Access Management (IAM) solutions allows for effective management of user identities and access rights. Regular access audits help monitor and review controls, ensuring enhanced security and compliance.

  • Workflow Management

    Optimise business processes by designing, automating, and monitoring workflows. Automate routine tasks to save time and reduce errors. Process mapping and performance monitoring help identify and address bottlenecks, leading to increased operational efficiency and reduced manual effort.


  • Application Integration

    Seamlessly integrate your applications to ensure they work together effectively. Develop and implement APIs for seamless communication, and ensure data consistency across integrated applications. Custom integration solutions are tailored to meet your specific business needs, resulting in streamlined operations and improved data flow.

Book Your Free Digital Efficiency Audit

Partner with ADT to transform your business operations, drive strategic growth, and achieve unmatched efficiency. Schedule your free Digital Efficiency Audit now and take the first step towards a more efficient and productive future.

“We have completely changed our system over the past 12 months following the advice of ADT. We are now using the latest technology which has greatly improved the accessibility of our system, the ability to work collaboratively, and even streamlined certain processes. They are more than just a helpline, they understand how we work and are always looking at ways to improve our IT to keep us working as efficiently as possible.”

IT Manager, Summerfield Developments