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Facilitating IT transformation for Molson Finlay

Bristol IT Company merged with MDS Technologies to become Assured Digital Technologies in April 2020.


In June 2018, Molson Group, one of the largest independent plant and construction machinery dealers in Europe, announced the acquisition of Finlay Plant (UK) Limited and its subsidiary and associated companies (“Finlay Group”), which was later rebranded to Molson Finlay. The acquisition has allowed Molson Group to offer a comprehensive 360-degree product to their customers.


Following the acquisition of Finlay Group, Molson Group felt it was a good time to relocate Molson Finlay, allowing it to grow, expand and modernise. In the previous location, in addition to a cramped working environment, staff were also hampered by an ageing IT infrastructure which was causing  inefficiencies and frustration. This IT transformation and office move project required careful planning, preparation and implementation. As an existing provider of IT services to the Molson Group, Bristol IT Company were the obvious choice to be asked to undertake and complete this project.


Having previous experience with Molson Group and their IT systems meant Bristol IT Company were able to tailor their Project Management and Implementation methodology to build the most suitable IT transformation solution for Molson Finlay. The solution included server upgrades, installing a secure wide area network infrastructure to connect Molson Finlay offices to the other Molson Group sites, utilising the Sophos XG Firewall range, and new business grade laptops with docking stations to allow flexible and secure working. This solution would allow them to future-proof their business, expand into their new location and amalgamate into Molson Group’s IT infrastructure.


By utilising Bristol IT Company IT Project Management & Implementation experience, Molson Finlay were able to successfully move to their new location and have their new IT equipment implemented with minimal downtime. Thanks to Sophos Synchronised Security, Molson Finlay are now also fully protected from malicious activity. They have also benefited with a more flexible working environment which as proved more effective and raised morale.

“Bristol IT have proved to be a reliable and effective supplier, who have always been on hand with a knowledgeable friendly approach that has got us back up and running whenever needed. I find that a good IT supplier is one that does not get mentioned too much in the office. When everything works you almost forget about them, but when things don’t work you expect them to be on hand with the knowledge and expertise to get any issues resolved quickly. Bristol IT are a perfect example of this level of service and I am looking forward to working with them as our businesses continue to grow.”

Sean Warburton, Managing Director

Molson finlay case study